Monday, October 12, 2015

The falling tree makes no sound

Some times, a lot of times, actually, I really, really want to write, to create something inspiring with language, to take letters and form words, sentences, thoughts, etc. It is one of the most therapeutic things I've ever known. 

And yet, most of the time when this urge strikes me I really don't know what to write. It's not that I don't have a topic, quite the opposite, actually. I have too many topics and have a hard time picking just one or two to conquer in that particular piece. I have so much to say, but, as with everything else in my life, doubts quickly begin to surface. 

For one, so many of the things I wish to write about are things you could not understand. Not in the sense that you are not intelligent to "get it," but in the sense that you have not lived some of the things I have lived, just as I have not lived some of the things you have lived, so if I were to write about those things I would be essentially be talking to myself. 

Also, I have some very strong opinions about a few things, and I really don't want to offend anybody. More than once I have wanted to write about religion, but we all know that anything written about religion is immediately attacked and/or praised, which leads to nothing more than people arguing back and forth about something that ultimately no one understands. Sounds productive, doesn't it?